The science of futures. Promises and previsions in architecture and philosophy
Alessandro Armando
Giovanni Durbiano
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Future Studies are a field of research which has expanded over the last few years; their goal is to extend to social reality the possibility of making previsions. Future studies investigate the manifold images of the future in order to promote present actions. In the field of architectural design, the problem of the future is nested in the activity of all architects’ practices: they design something that does not yet exist, and maybe never will. Architects produce new conditions which will affect the future, so they need both to predict and to promise future effects through their projects. Parallelly, philosophers have explored the future – its ontological consistencies, for instance – in the philosophy of time, and future as a ‘prevision of state of affairs’ is a recurring theme in the philosophy of economics. Furthermore, philosophers usually aim to describe and possibly predict the future, rather than constructing it.
Summary of contents
Maurizio Ferraris
Prefazione. Documanità
Alessandro Armando, Giovanni Durbiano
Introduzione. Conoscere il futuro: invenzioni, programmi e progetti
Franco Purini
Il disegno come teoria
Michela Rosso, Andrea Ronzino
Il futuro tra le parole degli architetti. Quattro punti di vista e ulteriori questioni
Gabriele Pasqui
Futuri anteriori: il tempo del progetto
Hélène Frichot
Fleeing with one’s back turned: Toward feminist futures
Lucio Spaziante
Immaginare il futuro prossimo: costruire mondi attraverso la fantascienza audiovisiva
Petar Bojanić
The acts of Project(ion) / Project acts or Projacts
Snežana Vesnić, Miloš Ćipranić
The concept: A map for generations
Edoardo Fregonese
Filosofia e progetto. Breve storia di una vicenda attuale
Nicola Marzot
L’avventura del progetto e il destino dell’uomo. Architettura e costruzione della realtà sociale
Ramon Rispoli, Ester Jordana Lluch
Dar luogo a ciò che non ha luogo: utopia e prototyping
Carlo Deregibus, Alberto Giustiniano
Il filo e la marionetta. Verso un progettare strategico
Vincenzo Galasso
Designing a pension system
Isabella Maria Lami, Elena Todella
Facing urban uncertainty with the Strategic Choice Approach: The introduction of disruptive events
Renato Boccali
L’incarnazione dell’idea nello spazio della scrittura
Dario Cecchi
Il lettore esemplare. Fenomenologia della lettura ed estetica dell’interazione